It’s never a too late motivational story

Ranjeet Singh
3 min readMay 22, 2021


- May 21, 2021

It’s never a too late motivational story.

There was a person for an extended time ago somewhere within the us mentioned during a simple middle-class family his father was a loving husband and wont to add his family when he was fires would one some afternoon his father came home with a fever he saw his father in pain but didn’t understand what was happening that the doctor was called slice she could see from path his mother crying he got scared that was the primary time he saw his mother cried later that day whose father died he was too young to understand what went on but we’ll always remember that some afternoon on life after his father’s death his mother started stitching clothes of people I also got employment during a factory at seven he learned the way to cook to feed his younger siblings as his mom was away working within the future”> at some point he baked his first ready he wanted to point out this to his mother but she was working during a factory three miles away he grabbed the bread and took his firewood brother and sister along side him three of them walked three lines across the sector so he could show his mother his host no crackhead once they reached Patrick he started checking out his mother his mother saw him thus far carrying a loaf of bread in his hand and having an enormous smile on his face chicken held the bread during a hand and gave him an enormous hug at age 10 he began work as a helper within the farmland then took up job painting or scalpels he left school after sixth grade so he could work full-time like moved on job after job he sometimes worked as conductor then joined the us Army for a short time then cleaned trains and even worked as a helper it’ll be construction maybe he was never satisfied maybe he was still searching he was 18 when he met a gorgeous girl they both fell crazy soon got married and has three beautiful children but one lady got fired from his job one series tone his wife was gone there was a note from his wife’s brother saying she had no business marrying or no good fellow such as you he then convinced her to return back later studied and practiced law for a few time and that point |at the moment”> then even became an insurance salesman all the while moving from one career to a different at age of 30 he established a ferry boat company the ferry was a moment success he sold the shares of the corporate and began a replacement one eager to do something bigger he established a corporation manufacturing oil lamps hired sales people across the country but with this initially started well with some new orders coming in a day he felt yes finally I even have read it but destiny had another plans a corporation named Delco introduced electric lamps and therefore the venture field then I started performing on the salesperson in Michigan Styles but their QB lost his job when the factory was pack up he again started to seek out |searching for”> trying to find some work and traveling disputed cities to find it while returning with no money in his pocket he was trying to find a lift to urge back home a person stopped and picked him up in his big car he shared with the stranger history how he was trying to find some work that stranger clothed to be the state manager of ordinary Oil the manager asked him would you wish to run a station he has no experience of what it takes to run a station but he said yes for 6 years he managed the place successfully he sold more fuel than anywhere within the state on the other hand the good Depression came a station closed down like many other businesses at that point as luck would have it at that time shell company offered them to run a station rank 3 at the age of 14 he opened the new station I also started serving food people loved his recipes he did not have any seating in the station so people would dine in his adjacent ……………Read more

